Nikon 24mm 2.8 AI

Nikon 24mm 2.8 AI on Sony A7

My Nikon 24mm 2.8 AI was produced in the late 70s. Galen Rowell took some of his famous shots with the AI-S version which is optically the same. He shot with a camera which was built for film. Film and modern sensors are very different regarding angular incident light.
Cause I don't shoot with a Nikon but with a Sony I need additionally an adapter. This 24mm lens has floating elements which correct the near distance focusing. If you have an adapter which doesn't have exactly the correct flange distance, you may get quality loss. Let's see how the 24mm AI competes in the digital era with adapter.

Clicking on a crop loads the whole image in original size. A tip for Retina display users: Zoom in 1.5x or 2x. Otherwise you are not really in 1:1 mode.
Images are developed from RAW files in Ligtroom 5. All adjustments are Lightroom standard (sharpness: 25/1/25/0).

overview crops

Nikon 24mm 2.8 AI f/2.8

crops 2.8

Full open! Rather muddy and some vignetting.

Nikon 24mm 2.8 AI f/4.0

crops 4.0

A bit better.

Nikon 24mm 2.8 AI f/5.6

crops 5.6

Very good sharpness in the center. Though the rest not so.

Nikon 24mm 2.8 AI f/5.6 Focus Left

crops 5.6 focus left

Focused on left edge because of field curvature. Left edge is sharper but not really sharp.

Nikon 24mm 2.8 AI f/8.0

crops 8.0

Maybe a tad better than f/5.6.

Minolta Nikon 24mm 2.8 AI f/11.0

crops 11.0

All in all f/11 is best.

Conclusion Nikon 24mm 2.8 AI

Is it the lens, is it the adapter, or is it both?

The lens gets really sharp in the center. But the rest does not. It's better than the Tokina 24mm 2.8, but it's far away from what I would call acceptable. If you have nothing better, it's usable at f/8 or f/11. Real pleasure is a different thing.
You can correct the vignette and the chromatic aberrations, but the missing sharpness at the edges and in the corners you can not. The lens has a distinct field curvature. When you focus on the edge, you get a sharper edge but not a real sharp one. The center and corners are blurry now. Look at the images at f/5.6 above.
Does the adapter deteriorate image quality?
May be, may be not. The adapter I use is from Novoflex. It's not a cheap one. But from what I've heard the adapters of Novoflex are 0.1mm up to 0.2mm shorter than the correct flange distance. With this trick, focusing to infinity is always granted even with big plus tolerances.
Well, I could try shimming the adapter to correct length. Or I could buy an even more expensive adapter from Kipon. Kipon is well-known for smaller tolerances. Neither I will do. The chances to get eventually a sharp lens across the frame are too little.

Nikon 24mm 2.8 AI f/11 - Corrected

crops 11.0 corrected

Chromatic aberrations corrected and sharpened. No, you don't get sharp edges and corners!