Minolta Lenses

Rolfs Website About Photography

I'm an amateur photographer. Interested in architecture, product photography and a little in landscapes. My style of taking photographs is slow, very slow. Most of the images are shot with the camera on tripod.

I very much like old Minolta and Nikon lenses from the 80's. Not all are great but some are really excellent. Stopped down the optical quality is very good! Mechanical quality is beyond what we can get today. It's a pity that optical quality decreases with shorter focal length, so I'm not really satisfied with those old lenses shorter than 35mm focal length.

Photography doesn't pay my bills. I don't have any pressure from clients. I take pictures I like to take. No one tells me what has to be taken, how it has to be taken, or how it should be taken. It's all about photography itself. I take on subjects which I'm curious about where I can learn something new. My goal is to take images which I'm satisfied about. Honestly those moments are rare.
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Most of the time, I'm shooting with the Sony A7 now, but that doesn't mean, in any way, that you should do the same. It was just a body available at the right time. You can do it as well with any other mirrorless camera. The main differences are in sensor size and pixel pitch. A mFT sensor delivers different results than an APS-C sensor and again APS-C will deliver different from full frame.

On this web site, you may see images of products with the brand name on it. Sometimes it's unavoidable otherwise the picture would be destroyed. That doesn't mean I try to sell you that product. On the opposite, most of the stuff is old enough that you can't buy it any longer. It's just about product design.